Choose one or more Pillars (or Join the Business Leaders Lab for all Sessions)

NOTE: If the session is upcoming you can join the live session and Q&A for the topic you have chosen.

If the live session is already over, you will have access to the recording and Workbook for the Session.

(Dates and Times are available at the bottom of this page and within each module)

Your Roadmap To Success

April 2024

Unlock Your Business's Full Potential: A crystal-clear strategy isn't just a plan—it's the roadmap that transforms your vision into thrilling reality and steers every step towards success. Reap the rewards: wise decision-making, and unwavering commitment, even when the going gets rough.

$75 AUD

Decoding Your Finance

May 2024

Unlock Financial Knowledge: Empower Your Business Choices Why it matters: Financial understanding is power - know your numbers to make sound business decisions.

Benefits: Use the various financial tools to understand and manage your business better.

$75 AUD

Attracting Your Ideal Client

June 2024

Unleash the Power of Precision: Dive into targeted marketing and slice through the clutter to magnetize your ideal customers directly. Captivate your dream clientele with finesse, skyrocket your conversion rates, and cultivate a community of devoted fans.

$75 AUD

Unleashing Your Team Potnetial

July 2024

Why it Matters: Unleash the Power of Your Team—the engine of your success. They’re not just your staff; they're your triumph architects. Benefits: Amplify unique skills, forge unity in teamwork, and improve productivity.

$75 AUD

Minimizing Your Risk

August 2024

Discover the Power of Prevention: Elevate your business with cutting-edge risk management—shield your reputation, ensure compliance, and embrace serenity with a strategic blueprint in place.

$75 AUD

Finding Your Best Solutions

September 2024

Unlock the Art of the Deal: Master negotiation to safeguard your future. Perks: Forge lasting, mutually beneficial alliances; negotiate terms to your advantage and fortify your interests for the long haul.

$75 AUD

X-Ray Your Business

October 2024

Unlock the Power of Your Data: Discover hidden trends by tapping into your data's full potential. Transform insights into action and gain the competitive edge with evidence-based decisions. Thrive on growth opportunities and steer clear of expensive missteps. Your data isn’t just numbers.

$75 AUD

Conquering Your Chaos

November 2024

Maximize Impact, Minimize Hassle. Efficient operations mean more time, better service, and greater business resilience.

Benefits: Streamline your processes, cut down on wasted time, and create a business that runs more smoothly and with less stress.

$75 AUD

Subscribe to get all 8 Topics and more!

Provides a structured  approach - covering one Pillar each month. Gives time to implement the lessons over 8 months. Provides Live Q&A each month with Dominic. Workbooks included. PLUS access to the secret Facebook group PLUS after the 8 Pillars, get accesss to an additional 4 Bonus Resources (one released per month).